This Order shall come into force on 13th May 2013.

The A48 and A483 Trunk Roads (Pont Abraham Roundabout and its Approaches, Carmarthenshire) (40 mph and 50 mph Speed Limits) Order 2013 , file type: PDF, file size: 41 KB
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The A48 and A483 Trunk Roads (Pont Abraham Roundabout and its Approaches, Carmarthenshire) (40 mph and 50 mph Speed Limits) Order 2013 - plan , file type: PDF, file size: 143 KB
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The A48 and A483 Trunk Roads (Pont Abraham Roundabout and its Approaches, Carmarthenshire) (40 mph and 50 mph Speed Limits) Order 2013 - statement of reasons , file type: PDF, file size: 21 KB
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The proposed Order is considered necessary in the interests of highway safety and is part of a wider proposal to upgrade, install traffic signals, and create a safer approach, at Pont Abraham Roundabout.