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Rt Hon Vaughan Gething MS

Ministerial responsibilities of the First Minister of Wales


  • Exercise of functions by the Welsh Government
  • Policy development and the co-ordination of policy
  • Delivery of the Programme for Government
  • Inter-Governmental Relations
  • International Relations including overseas network and Wales and Africa
  • Wales and Europe
  • The Legislative Programme
  • The Ministerial Code
  • Open Government and information management, including data protection
  • Oversight of the Welsh Government’s relationship with Audit Wales
  • Civil Contingencies and Chair of Wales Resilience Forum
  • National security including counter terrorism and cyber security
  • Arms-Length Bodies
  • Public Appointments
  • Strategic Communications


Vaughan was born in Zambia and brought up in the UK. He was educated at Aberystwyth and Cardiff universities. He has one son with his wife, Michelle and is a largely retired cricketer who is also a fan of both rugby and football.

Vaughan was a solicitor and former partner at Thompsons and become the youngest ever President of the Wales TUC in 2008. He has previously served as a county councillor, school governor and community service volunteer – supporting and caring for a student with cerebral palsy. Vaughan is also a former president of NUS Wales and led the Students Say Yes campaign ahead of the referendum that established devolution in Wales in 1997.

Between 1999 and 2003, Vaughan worked as a researcher to former Assembly Members Val Feld and Lorraine Barrett. Vaughan also chaired Right to Vote – a cross-party project to encourage greater participation from black minority ethnic communities in Welsh public life. He is also a current member of the Co-operative Party.

Vaughan has held the following roles in government, before taking up his current role as First Minister of Wales in March 2024:

  • Minister for Economy May 2021 to March 2024
  • Cabinet Secretary/Minister for Health and Social Services May 2016 to May 2021
  • Deputy Minister for Health September 2014 to May 2016
  • Deputy Minister for Tackling Poverty June 2013 to September 2014

Writing to Vaughan Gething