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Ken Skates MS

Responsibilities of the Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Transport and North Wales.


  • Support and advice to assist the establishment, growth or development of business (including export support and inward Investment)
  • International Trade policy, including coordination of matters relating to the UK/EU Trade and Co-operation Agreement
  • Major events
  • Entrepreneurship, enterprise and business information Arms-length oversight of Cardiff Airport
  • Energy policy including small-medium scale energy production, domestic energy, energy efficiency
  • Circular economy Renewable Energy Nuclear Energy
  • Development Bank of Wales Community Bank
  • Promotion of Wales as a location for Business and Investment Ports policy, including freeports
  • City / Growth Deals
  • Acquisition, management and disposal of Welsh Government-owned property assets relating to economic development
  • Business Wales
  • Regulatory Framework for responsible business practices, growth and competitiveness Foundational Economy
  • Social Enterprise and the social economy Co-operative economy
  • Science: development of science policy, including liaison with the Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales
  • Life Sciences
  • Research and Innovation, including research and development, knowledge transfer and commercialisation; maximising research and innovation income, and Research Centres of Excellence
  • Digital connectivity infrastructure, including Public Sector Broadband Aggregation, fast broadband and mobile
  • Cross Government Digital and Data Policy & Strategy EU Structural Funds / Future Regional Investment
  • Minister for North Wales and Chair of the Cabinet Sub Committee for North Wales Transport for Wales
  • Transport policy
  • Roads, including construction, improvement and maintenance of motorways and trunk roads
  • Bus services
  • Rail services through the Wales and Borders franchise Active travel
  • Road safety; safer routes to schools; transport for children and young people; regulation of pedestrian crossings and on-street parking
  • Lead on policy in relation to the Armed Forces in Wales and Veterans

* The Cabinet Secretary for North Wales has a co-ordinating, cross-North Wales role but specific policy questions should be directed to the relevant portfolio minister.


In his free time, Ken enjoys running, swimming, hiking and curling as well as having an interest in gardening, art and architectural design. His political interests include skills training, tourism, environmental protection, mental health, sport and fitness and social inclusion.

Ken Skates was born in 1976 in Wrexham, educated at Mold Alun School and went on to study Social and Political Science at Cambridge University.

Professional background

Ken was previously a journalist at the Wrexham Leader newspaper, and a PA to Mark Tami MP.

In 2008, he was elected a community councillor. Ken’s policy interests include manufacturing, mental health, sport and leisure, eliminating poverty and political economy.

Ken was appointed to the Welsh Government as Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology in 2011. He was then appointed Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism in 2014 and promoted to Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure in May 2016. Ken was appointed Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport on 21 March 2024.

Writing to Ken Skates